Medical Students for Choice Update

Medical Students for Choice publish a newsletter called Update. The October issue reports on a Week of Choice held by students at the Albany Medical College:
Last semester, the Albany Medical College’s chapter of MSFC held a full week’s worth of events entitled “Week of Choice” in support of women’s health awareness. The events, organized by four Albany student coordinators, included movies, talks, and workshops all related to comprehensive reproductive health and choice! Over 250 students attended events, making Week of Choice a smashing success!Here's their index to newsletters.
The Week of Choice contained two nights of movie viewings, with films supplied by the MSFC National Office. Each movie portrays abortion through a slightly different lens, giving multiple perspectives to the concept of choice.
Stories also played a role in the three talks given over the course of Week of Choice. Whether students were listening to a Planned Parenthood physician talk about being a sex savvy practitioner, or a law professor from Albany illuminate the facts about “partial-birth” abortion, each talk focused on a unique perspective connected to the abortion debate.
The students at Albany also conducted a version of the Words of Choice workshop, providing pro-choice students and advocates with the tools necessary to effectively communicate personal views regarding abortion and respond to anti-choice arguments. Always a hit among students, this workshop aids students with an analysis of their own pro-choice position and the best way to articulate this position to others.
The students also raised money for a women's shelter.
Labels: choice, education, medical care, students
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